Benefits of IntelliMetric®
With virtually instantaneous electronic scoring, IntelliMetric® dramatically reduces the cost and time required to evaluate student and professional writing. Moreover, IntelliMetric® improves the instructional process by offering more frequent and immediate feedback to writers.
By allowing students to make multiple essay submissions and providing instantaneous, detailed feedback, IntelliMetric® encourages improvements in students’ writing ability. IntelliMetric® provides the following:
- Accuracy, consistency, and reliability greater than human expert scoring
- Web-based tools that are accessible anytime, anywhere
- Scoring of both short-answer and extended response questions
- Holistic and analytic scoring and feedback
- Scoring capability in more than 20 different languages
- Detection of non-legitimate essays, such as those that are:
- Off-topic
- Off-task
- Lack proper development
- Are written in a language other than what was expected
- Contain bad syntax
- Copy the question
- Are inappropriate
- Contain messages of harm
- Immediate feedback that eliminates scoring delays and promotes greater use of data to target instruction
Vantage Learning can also provide IntelliMetric® scoring using an Application Programming Interface (API), a situation that is ideal for clients who want to incorporate the power of IntelliMetric® within their existing applications. The integration of IntelliMetric® scoring via an API solution is seamless and provides nearly instantaneous scoring of constructed response and open-ended essay questions that are submitted to the client’s application and routed to Vantage Learning’s IntelliMetric® scoring engine.